Life Design Coach
Hi, I'm Shari Molchan
What I know for sure… If you’re like me (and my clients), you want the freedom to live your dreams. Whether it’s travel, your dream house, dream career or business, or golfing all over the world…. (okay that’s one of mine!) If you’re just feeling stuck or tired of “figuring it all out yourself” or taking course after course and watching every webinar and not getting any farther… well let’s change that.
Core Values
My promise to myself, my clients and the planet is to live my core values. I’ve always been a leader and I take that role seriously. It’s actually fun for me and allows me to tap into another core value of mine, freedom. My life is easier (and happier) when I am connected with my dreams, and connected with helping others live theirs – both personally and professionally. When I uncovered my core values, my life became easier. I no longer believe in settling. I use my core vales to align and guide me in my life & business and especially in making a difference and having fun with my clients and others. ❤

I grew up in a world that told me that I should be lucky just to have a job and food on my plate. Most definitely I’m grateful for what I’ve got, but I’ve always believed deep in the soul of my heart that I was meant for more.
In 1999, after divorce #2, a single mother of 2 teenage boys, 39 yrs old, I had pretty much settled that my life was going to be hard. Well that was until I met someone with a similar background that was thriving (not surviving like me!).
I love Maya Angelou’s words – “When you know better you do better…” YES YOU DO! I’d never been exposed to personal development, dreams, setting goals and truly believing that there are infinite possibilities! ‘Other people’ were ‘living the dream’ but not me. I convinced myself that I had the wrong DNA, there wasn’t any role models in my life to teach me anything different.
Well, I kicked that belief to the curb and changed my life, and if I can do it – so can you. So please… if you feel that you’ve had to put your dreams on hold, you’re stuck in a day job (you hate), you’re underpaid, overworked, a struggling entrepreneur, or going through a life transition (divorce, retirement or laid off), have a crappy relationship with money, I can help you. Please don’t wait, because if you knew how to turn it around you for sure would have! I know this first hand. Having a mentor helping me to see the blind spots, I learned how to love myself – first – so I could choose and make better decisions in my life. To be the best version of you, you have to unlock it, muster up the courage to get help, and be brave and courageous with a vision of where you want to go. Can be scary, but when you decide what you want and take consistent action, it will change your life. I know first hand, and it’s my passion to help you get there too.
If you’re reading this and you relate… I don’t believe it’s an accident you’ve come to this page. When I lived my values I built a life and a business on my terms. I listened to my heart and believed that I was worthy of success and happiness – in fact my divine right… it literally saved my life.
I’m on a mission to help. Support and guidance, looks different for everyone, but I’ll guarantee you that as your cheerleader and biggest fan, I help you navigate the journey and get you to the results you want. And most of all… it’s really fun and waaaay easier than you’d think!